07 July 2011

Phantom of the Opera or the local church?

As much as I love a good western or war movie, if I'm honest I love the occasional musical as well.  The other night Jess and I were having an at home date night and decided to watch The Phantom of the Opera, which I must say is one of my favorites.  As I was watching there was one scene in particular that reminded me of how the local church acts at times.  No, this is not a reference to how there is often one or group in the church who would rather see the place burn down than operate differently than they think it should.  The scene to which I am referring is the scene during the party where everyone starts singing the song "Masquerade."  The lyrics of this song I fear ring true in the minds of church goers as they hang around the "church friends" or prepare to attend the corporate worship gathering on Sunday morning.  Some of the lyrics that stood out to me were:

Masquerade! You can fool any friend who ever knew you!

Masquerade! Hide your face, so the world will never find you!

I am concerned as I serve in the church that the members of the congregations which we attend, and at times even I myself, sing this song inadvertently every time we gather as the church.  We come to church and we hide behind our smiles and every time someone ask us how we are we say some cheesy Christian answer like "I'm blessed" or the generic "I'm fine" when in reality we are facing something horrible or we are struggling in sin or just plain having a bad day.  But we dare not let our mask down, for after all, if people knew who we really were there is no way they would still love us.  This is one of the major problems I see facing the church today, especially in the south.  We are so fake in our love for one another and in our relationships that we just stay behind our mask, and so when new people come, they feel they have to get their own mask if they are going to fit into a place where everyone seems to have it together.

No wonder people are sitting in their sins and stagnant in their relationship with God and with their Christian brethren, because if they cry out for help their facade will be exposed.  If we are the church are truly going to display the gospel of Christ and effectively walk along side our brothers and sisters in Christ and reach this community, we have to throw down our mask and be real and genuine and make ourselves vulnerable.  After all is the gospel not about a God who loves us and died for us in spite of our sin and offers us forgiveness and sanctification through Christ Jesus?  Why then does the church relate to each other in a way that says unless you have everything together you are not welcome here.  What if we dared to truly be the church in this?  To truly open up to one another and share ones burdens with the body.  What if we were open and honest about our struggles in our relationship about God and our sins with which we struggle and stopped acting as if we have everything together.  Would this not make God look more glorious?  Would this not display to the world His unconditional love through Christ?  If we are truly going to be the church we have to start with this, being in genuine community with one another through an open, transparent relationship.

Church, it is time we left the Masquerade party and starting being real with one another.  Let us love one another through the lens of the gospel and not the lens of false religion.

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